Today is one of the days in the church’s calendar when my squishy-liberal friends start to squirm—Trinity Sunday. If they…
My seven-year-old daughter, Emrie, today as The Wizard of Oz was ending: “The craziest thing about that whole story: they went…
After seven years in California—it’s pretty much all our four kids know—we are moving to Oklahoma this summer. We are…
This is the one good thing I’ve seen: it’s appropriate for people to eat, drink, and find enjoyment in all…
I’ll do my best to avoid spoilers, but beware, just in case. I just finished HBO’s The Leftovers, whose series…
Over the last several months, I’ve been rewatching LOST when I need some time to de-stress. I’m assuming you know what…
There are several memorable moments in a parent’s life: birth of a child; first time the child says “I love…
So for the next month, I’m still preaching every week. After that, who knows? In the mean time, I thought…
In an earlier post, I talked about a book that we are studying in one of our adult education classes…
I’m super pumped to move to Oklahoma for many reasons—family, cost of living, QuikTrip. But I’m definitely going to miss…