Today is one of the days in the church’s calendar when my squishy-liberal friends start to squirm—Trinity Sunday. If they…
My seven-year-old daughter, Emrie, today as The Wizard of Oz was ending: “The craziest thing about that whole story: they went…
After seven years in California—it’s pretty much all our four kids know—we are moving to Oklahoma this summer. We are…
This is the one good thing I’ve seen: it’s appropriate for people to eat, drink, and find enjoyment in all…
I’ll do my best to avoid spoilers, but beware, just in case. I just finished HBO’s The Leftovers, whose series…
Over the last several months, I’ve been rewatching LOST when I need some time to de-stress. I’m assuming you know what…
There are several memorable moments in a parent’s life: birth of a child; first time the child says “I love…